Genealogical research

„Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.“

— Shakespeare (Twelfth Night, Act 2, Scene)

Welcome everyone who visit this webpage. Maybe you have already made first steps on family history research or you are about starting the research. Discovering the identity of ancestors is a very exciting thing. There are rare sources of knowledge in archives, waiting you browse through them. You can discover the names of your ancestors, but also find pieces of their life stories, composed from various historical records. It is also possible that in the current digital space you will come across a processed genealogy thanks to a common ancestor. Whether you find more or less happy past of your ancestors, they deserve a tribute to their life's journey - this is exactly what our civic association PROAVITUS (Latin paying homage to ancestors) is about.
If you need help with research or are interested in comprehensive genealogical services, we offer you our help.

Klara Veres
President of Civic Association PROAVITUS


Association of Professional Genealogists

member, abided by the Code of Ethics and Professional Practices Code of Ethics


Czechoslovak Genealogical Society International

member and listed professional researcher List



Genealogy chart of probands direct ancestors - e.i. parents, grand parents, etc.


Genealogy chart of one family (one surname), usually patrilineal, without daughters descendants

Descendant Tree

Genealogy chart of one couple descendants, including daughters descendants

The Pedigree or Ancestors Tree is the most popular form of genealogical chart. The number of our ancestors double in each line, e.i., we all have 4 grandparents, 8 great-grandparents, 16 great-great-grandparents, 32 great-great-great-grandparents etc. Genealogical research is limited by the period from which the church registers are available in given place. Usually, it is the first half of 18th century in Slovakia and Hungary, but it differs individually in localities. In case of noble families, there are historical records out of church registers as well, therefore we can go backwards several centuries. To start genealogical research, we would need to know the data of your eldest identified ancestors.

Research Process

Research results

At the end of genealogical research, our clients obtain qualified report in form of pdf or book. The evidence in form of scans from relevant documents, is added into the research. The depth of research is limited by sources availabilty. The research results rely on undisputably facts only.


Example of Pedigree prepared by software, personalized format


Example of Pedigree – 5 generations, 30 ancestors. Prepared by computer graphics, printable on paper, canvas.


Unique painted family tree based on individual request, will be prepared by designer


„I’m very happy to go ahead. Thank you so much for your assist me.“

Christine F., Australia, 2020

“Hálás köszönettel tartozom Klárának, aki nemcsak megosztotta velem becses kutatási eredményeit, forrásait, de még egy távoli rokonommal is segített felvenni a kapcsolatot. Őszintén örülök, hogy léteznek még ennyire kedves és segítőkész emberek.”

Karina Kerekes, London, UK, 2020

„I cooperated with Klara Veres on researching our mutual ancestors in our family trees over several years. She helped me greatly in locating the death records of my great grandparents as well as resolving the complicated issue of identifying the right relations when several persons of the same name were listed in the records. She is a very skillful researcher and is very good at finding and investigating birth death and marriage records and other sources of information in Slovakia and Hungary. I can highly recommend her services for any prospective ancestry researcher in Slovakia and Hungary..“

MJT, Australia, 2020


The price of genealogical research is always individual and depends on several factors: the research goals, frequency of surname, the volume of church registers, paleographic difficulty of handwriting, travel expenses, fees etc.

Do not hesitate to contact us, we get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Contact us